This image of our galaxy, the Milky Way, was taken with NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer's (COBE) Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE). This never-before-seen view shows the Milky Way from an edge-on perspective with the galactic north pole at the top, the south pole at the bottom and the galactic center at the center. The picture combines images obtained at several near-infrared wavelengths. Stars within our galaxy are the dominant source of light at these wavelengths. Even though our solar system is part of the Milky Way, the view looks distant because most of the light comes from the population of stars that are closer to the galactic center than our own Sun. (Courtesy NASA)
Like early explorers mapping the continents of our globe, astronomers are busy charting the spiral structure of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Using infrared images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, scientists have discovered that the Milky Way's elegant spiral structure is dominated by just two arms wrapping off the ends of a central bar of stars. Previously, our galaxy was thought to possess four major arms.
This artist's concept illustrates the new view of the Milky Way, along with other findings presented at the 212th American Astronomical Society meeting in St. Louis, Mo. The galaxy's two major arms (Scutum-Centaurus and Perseus) can be seen attached to the ends of a thick central bar, while the two now-demoted minor arms (Norma and Sagittarius) are less distinct and located between the major arms. The major arms consist of the highest densities of both young and old stars; the minor arms are primarily filled with gas and pockets of star-forming activity.
The artist's concept also includes a new spiral arm, called the "Far-3 kiloparsec arm," discovered via a radio-telescope survey of gas in the Milky Way. This arm is shorter than the two major arms and lies along the bar of the galaxy.
Our sun lies near a small, partial arm called the Orion Arm, or Orion Spur, located between the Sagittarius and Perseus arms. (Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech)
During the past three decades a myriad of space explorers have escaped the confines of planet Earth and have set out to discover our planetary neighbors. This picture shows the Sun and all nine planets of the solar system as seen by the space explorers. Starting at the top-left corner is the Sun followed by the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. (Copyright 1998 by Calvin J. Hamilton)
Monday, October 19, 2009
The solar wind can be measured by spacecraft,

Nearly all the solar system by volume appears to be an empty void. Far from being nothingness, this vacuum of "space" comprises the interplanetary medium. It includes various forms of energy and at least two material components: interplanetary dust and interplanetary gas. Interplanetary dust consists of microscopic solid particles. Interplanetary gas is a tenuous flow of gas and charged particles, mostly protons and electrons -- plasma -- which stream from the Sun, called the solar wind.
The solar wind can be measured by spacecraft, and it has a large effect on comet tails. It also has a measurable effect on the motion of spacecraft. The speed of the solar wind is about 400 kilometers (250 miles) per second in the vicinity of Earth's orbit. The point at which the solar wind meets the interstellar medium, which is the "solar" wind from other stars, is called the heliopause. It is a boundary theorized to be roughly circular or teardrop-shaped, marking the edge of the Sun's influence perhaps 100 AU from the Sun. The space within the boundary of the heliopause, containing the Sun and solar system, is referred to as the heliosphere.
The solar magnetic field extends outward into interplanetary space; it can be measured on Earth and by spacecraft. The solar magnetic field is the dominating magnetic field throughout the interplanetary regions of the solar system, except in the immediate environment of planets which have their own magnetic fields.
The solar magnetic field extends outward into interplanetary space; it can be measured on Earth and by spacecraft. The solar magnetic field is the dominating magnetic field throughout the interplanetary regions of the solar system, except in the immediate environment of planets which have their own magnetic fields.
The Jovian PlanetsJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are known as the Jovian (Jupiter-like) planets, because they are all gigantic compared with Earth, and they have a gaseous nature like Jupiter's. The Jovian planets are also referred to as the gas giants, although some or all of them might have small solid cores. The following diagram shows the approximate distance of the Jovian planets to the Sun
Interplanetary Space

Views of the Solar System presents a vivid multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more. Discover the latest scientific information, or study the history of space exploration, rocketry, early astronauts, space missions, spacecraft through a vast archive of photographs, scientific facts, text, graphics and videos. Views of the Solar System offers enhanced exploration and educational enjoyment of the solar system and beyond.
The Solar System[a] consists of the Sun

The Solar System[a] consists of the Sun and those celestial objects bound to it by gravity, all of which formed from the collapse of a giant molecular cloud approximately 4.6 billion years ago. The Sun's retinue of objects circle it in a nearly flat disc called the ecliptic plane, most of the mass of which is contained within eight relatively solitary planets whose orbits are almost circular. The four smaller inner planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of rock and metal. The four outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, also called the gas giants, are composed largely of hydrogen and helium and are far more massive than the terrestrials.
The Solar System is also home to two main belts of small bodies. The asteroid belt, which lies between Mars and Jupiter, is similar to the terrestrial planets as it is composed mainly of rock and metal. The Kuiper belt (and its subpopulation, the scattered disc), which lies beyond Neptune's orbit, is composed mostly of ices such as water, ammonia and methane. Within these belts, five individual objects, Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris, are recognised to be large enough to have been rounded by their own gravity, and are thus termed dwarf planets. The hypothetical Oort cloud, which acts as the source for long-period comets, may also exist at a distance roughly a thousand times beyond these regions.
Within the Solar System, various populations of small bodies, such as comets, centaurs and interplanetary dust, freely travel between these regions, while the solar wind, a flow of plasma from the Sun, creates a bubble in the interstellar medium known as the heliosphere, which extends out to the edge of the scattered disc.
Six of the planets and three of the dwarf planets are orbited by natural satellites, usually termed "moons" after Earth's Moon. Each of the outer planets is encircled by planetary rings of dust and other particles.
The Solar System is also home to two main belts of small bodies. The asteroid belt, which lies between Mars and Jupiter, is similar to the terrestrial planets as it is composed mainly of rock and metal. The Kuiper belt (and its subpopulation, the scattered disc), which lies beyond Neptune's orbit, is composed mostly of ices such as water, ammonia and methane. Within these belts, five individual objects, Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris, are recognised to be large enough to have been rounded by their own gravity, and are thus termed dwarf planets. The hypothetical Oort cloud, which acts as the source for long-period comets, may also exist at a distance roughly a thousand times beyond these regions.
Within the Solar System, various populations of small bodies, such as comets, centaurs and interplanetary dust, freely travel between these regions, while the solar wind, a flow of plasma from the Sun, creates a bubble in the interstellar medium known as the heliosphere, which extends out to the edge of the scattered disc.
Six of the planets and three of the dwarf planets are orbited by natural satellites, usually termed "moons" after Earth's Moon. Each of the outer planets is encircled by planetary rings of dust and other particles.
Solar system

This website is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of the planets, moons and other objects in our solar system. Each page has my text and NASA's images, some have sounds and movies, most provide references to additional related information.
All eight planets can be seen with a small telescope; or binoculars. And large observatories continue to provide much useful information. But the possibility of getting up close with interplanetary spacecraft has revolutionized planetary science. Very little of this site would have been possible without the space program.
Nevertheless, there's a lot that you can see with very modest equipment or even with just your own eyes. Past generations of people found beauty and a sense of wonder contemplating the night sky. Today's scientific knowledge further enhances and deepens that experience. And you can share in it by simply going out in the evening and looking up.
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The IAU has changed the definition of "planet" so that Pluto no longer qualifies. There are now officially only eight planets in our solar system. Of course this change in terminology does not affect what's actually out there. In the end, it's not very important how we classify the various objects in our solar system. What is important is to learn about their physical nature and their histories.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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Slash Your Power Bills by 80% Or Even Eliminate Them Completely
Slash Your Power Bills by 80% Or Even Eliminate Them Completely
Slash Your Power Bills by 80% Or Even Eliminate Them Completely
Slash Your Power Bills by 80% Or Even Eliminate Them Completely
Slash Your Power Bills by 80% Or Even Eliminate Them Completely

What if I told you, that by purchasing all the components individually and assembling it yourself, you can put together a complete system for less than $200 and start generating your own power right now. In fact, that's exactly what I've discovered. After years of extensive testing and development, the Power4Home plans are available to everyone.
I'll teach you everything you need to know about generating your own electricity using wind and solar power. The Power4Home system includes easy-to-follow, fully illustrated manuals that explain everything in complete detail.
Plus, I've included video instructions that you can follow along with step-by-step that make generating your own electricity absolutely foolproof.
Listen, we all have to do our part in saving our environment and I want to make sure as many people as possible start generating their own power at home. Whether you want to reduce your electricity bill, eliminate it completely or even start getting paid for the extra electricity you generate, the Power4Home system is the solution you've been looking for.
Why Pay $1000's For Wind And Solar Power Systems When You Can Build Your Own Professional System For Less Than $200!
Home wind and solar power systems have been on the market for years. These systems work great, the only problem is that they'll cost you a few thousand dollars. This is the main reason this technology isn't in everyone's home.But that was just the beginning. After I began to tune the system to make it more energy-efficient, my typical utility bill was slashed by more than 80% (some months I even had a surplus of electricity, which not only gave me an electric bill of $0, it allowed me to sell my extra juice back to the power company—where they paid me instead!)
Well, at this point I realized that millions of people could benefit from what I had accomplished. But I had to figure out a way to build it inexpensively, using well-laid out plans that even non-techie's could read and use. Finally, I had to make sure it was safe and foolproof.
Perhaps even something that a father and son could build for themselves in a short weekend.
Well, it took some time, but eventually a friendlier more efficient version of the Power4Home System was born.
With it, I can help you slash your power bill by 80% or even eliminate it completely.
And remember the kicker: if you generate more energy than you use, the electricity company will pay you!
See, I've taken everything I've learned over the years and put together a kit that shows you exactly how to create electricity in your own backyard
I'll teach you everything you need to know about generating your own electricity using wind and solar power. The Power4Home system includes easy-to-follow, fully illustrated manuals that explain everything in complete detail.
Plus, I've included video instructions that you can follow along with step-by-step that make generating your own electricity absolutely foolproof.
Listen, we all have to do our part in saving our environment and I want to make sure as many people as possible start generating their own power at home. Whether you want to reduce your electricity bill, eliminate it completely or even start getting paid for the extra electricity you generate, the Power4Home system is the solution you've been looking for.
Why Pay $1000's For Wind And Solar Power Systems When You Can Build Your Own Professional System For Less Than $200!
Home wind and solar power systems have been on the market for years. These systems work great, the only problem is that they'll cost you a few thousand dollars. This is the main reason this technology isn't in everyone's home.But that was just the beginning. After I began to tune the system to make it more energy-efficient, my typical utility bill was slashed by more than 80% (some months I even had a surplus of electricity, which not only gave me an electric bill of $0, it allowed me to sell my extra juice back to the power company—where they paid me instead!)
Well, at this point I realized that millions of people could benefit from what I had accomplished. But I had to figure out a way to build it inexpensively, using well-laid out plans that even non-techie's could read and use. Finally, I had to make sure it was safe and foolproof.
Perhaps even something that a father and son could build for themselves in a short weekend.
Well, it took some time, but eventually a friendlier more efficient version of the Power4Home System was born.
With it, I can help you slash your power bill by 80% or even eliminate it completely.
And remember the kicker: if you generate more energy than you use, the electricity company will pay you!
See, I've taken everything I've learned over the years and put together a kit that shows you exactly how to create electricity in your own backyard
Over 10 years ago, I quit my job as an electrician and dedicated my life to home power generation. I was fed up with waiting for the government and corporations to solve our energy crisis.
Slash Your Power Bills by 80% Or Even Eliminate Them Completely
I worked endlessly trying all sorts of equipment and technology, searching for an effective method to drastically reduce my power bill and finally become energy-independent.
When I finally developed a prototype, I wasn't sure what kind of an impact it would have on my electric bill. Especially when I realized that I would have to start running the energy-sucking air conditioner in the very first month of my test. I was shooting for a 50% drop in price, figuring I could always squeeze more out of it as I tweaked and perfected it further.
You can imagine my surprise when I slashed my bill by a jaw-dropping 74% in the very first month after plugging in the system.
Slash Your Power Bills by 80% Or Even Eliminate Them Completely
I worked endlessly trying all sorts of equipment and technology, searching for an effective method to drastically reduce my power bill and finally become energy-independent.
When I finally developed a prototype, I wasn't sure what kind of an impact it would have on my electric bill. Especially when I realized that I would have to start running the energy-sucking air conditioner in the very first month of my test. I was shooting for a 50% drop in price, figuring I could always squeeze more out of it as I tweaked and perfected it further.
You can imagine my surprise when I slashed my bill by a jaw-dropping 74% in the very first month after plugging in the system.
Build Your Own Wind Power System

Build Your Own Wind Power System
Wind power is a great backup for your solar panels on cloudy days and during the night. A few cheap items from your local hardware store and a couple of hours of construction can give you all the green energy you need from very your own windmill.
The instructions for building this energy producing windmill are very simple and anyone can build it using materials that cost less than $102.70.
Wind power is a great backup for your solar panels on cloudy days and during the night. A few cheap items from your local hardware store and a couple of hours of construction can give you all the green energy you need from very your own windmill.
The instructions for building this energy producing windmill are very simple and anyone can build it using materials that cost less than $102.70.
My Personal 100% Money-Back Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

My Personal 100% Money-Back Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
Listen, I want you to be as confident as I am and all the satisfied customers who've used the Power4Home system and are now saving tons of money. But just in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make it a no-brainer for you.
Get the guides and videos today. Read every word, download every bonus, watch every video, and should you need it, take me up on my free support. Build your own windmill or solar panel system in a weekend. See what a difference it makes in your home energy costs.
If you're not completely convinced that the Power4Home system is worth at least 100 times the investment, then I want you to ask for your money back. You've got a full 60 days to try it on me!
If you're not thrilled, I'm not. I'll cheerfully refund every penny you've paid, and we'll still part as friends.
Plus, you can still keep the entire Power4Home system, as well as all the bonus guides and videos for your trouble! It's my way of saying, "Thanks for giving my system a try."
The truth is, you NEVER have to worry about a refund. Why? Because once you actually start using this proven, step-by-step home energy technology you uncover in the Power4Home books, I'm confident you're going to hardly believe how much electricity you're saving.
John RusselCreator of the Power4Home System
We've spent years researching home energy systems
We've spent years researching home energy systems and know our system forward and backwards. As part of this special offer, you can send us any questions you may have on parts, installations, and any part of the Power4Home System.You can also tap our vast expertise to ensure you're saving as much on electricity as possible. We'll in turn spend as much time as is necessary to help you get the most out of the system.We already have plans in the works to charge a monthly fee for this service, because of the time and expense involved to make sure you get only the top professional support and care. But if you grab the Power4Home System today, you'll be locked in to get premium support for life!Value: $199 - Yours FREE!
Here's How To Start Saving The Planet And On Electricity Bills Now:
Simply click on the big blue "Order Now" button below and follow the easy instructions. As soon as you've placed your order, you'll get INSTANT ACCESS to the 3 main books, the videos, the bonus books and our special vendor parts list. All major credit cards and PayPal are accepted. Your purchase is protected by a 100% satisfaction money guarantee.
Here's How To Start Saving The Planet And On Electricity Bills Now:
Simply click on the big blue "Order Now" button below and follow the easy instructions. As soon as you've placed your order, you'll get INSTANT ACCESS to the 3 main books, the videos, the bonus books and our special vendor parts list. All major credit cards and PayPal are accepted. Your purchase is protected by a 100% satisfaction money guarantee.
Power4Home System for yourself right now!
You are about to get instant access to all the plans and instructions you need to create electricity in your own backyard.
The books are available in 9 different languages including English Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and German.
What To Do Next...
To start slashing your home energy costs immediately, claim the Power4Home System for yourself right now!
You'll get INSTANT ACCESS to all the guides, almost 3 hours of step-by-step videos, all the bonuses, checklists, and tax rebate forms, as well as our special vendor discounted parts list. All major credit cards and PayPal are accepted. Remember, your investment is protected by my bold 100% satisfaction money guarantee.
Sale Price Ending Soon - Get Yours Today!
Your Power4Home membership will allow you to reduce or even completely eliminate your electricity bill. All for a tiny onetime investment of $199.97 $49.97. Simply click here to get started at the limited time discounted investment.
The Power4Home guides are all 100% digitally downloadable immediately in Adobe PDF format which can be read and printed from your browser or any PDF reader.
The video series is in flash format, which you can watch in your browser directly through our video player with the click of a button. You get instant access to the entire system, day or night!
Easy Access to thePower4Home System
YES, John! I want the electric company to pay me for a change! I want to slash my electric bills, squeeze more juice out of my home energy, and enjoy the benefits these step-by-step plans, methods, and resources will give me and my family!
Success Story
"I watched the power meter numbers turn backwards!"
Thanks so much for this user friendly how-to book. I was able to complete both projects in a week. And guess what? I actually had the thrill of standing there and watching the numbers on my power meter reverse and turn backwards! It was like hearing the sound of money being put back into the bank! How glorious!Frank Purna - Portland, OR
I want to live completely guilt free, laughing at rising electricity prices while rescuing the environment and saving tons of money in the process!
I want to learn the secrets to building my own solar panel and wind generator for less than $200 and slash my electricity bills by 80% or more. (Commercial systems can cost $10,000 or more!)
I know that if I don't get the results I want for any reason whatsoever within the first 60 days, I can ask for a complete refund with your bold 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee, and you will cheerfully refund my entire purchase price. Either way, I can't lose!
The books are available in 9 different languages including English Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and German.
What To Do Next...
To start slashing your home energy costs immediately, claim the Power4Home System for yourself right now!
You'll get INSTANT ACCESS to all the guides, almost 3 hours of step-by-step videos, all the bonuses, checklists, and tax rebate forms, as well as our special vendor discounted parts list. All major credit cards and PayPal are accepted. Remember, your investment is protected by my bold 100% satisfaction money guarantee.
Sale Price Ending Soon - Get Yours Today!
Your Power4Home membership will allow you to reduce or even completely eliminate your electricity bill. All for a tiny onetime investment of $199.97 $49.97. Simply click here to get started at the limited time discounted investment.
The Power4Home guides are all 100% digitally downloadable immediately in Adobe PDF format which can be read and printed from your browser or any PDF reader.
The video series is in flash format, which you can watch in your browser directly through our video player with the click of a button. You get instant access to the entire system, day or night!
Easy Access to thePower4Home System
YES, John! I want the electric company to pay me for a change! I want to slash my electric bills, squeeze more juice out of my home energy, and enjoy the benefits these step-by-step plans, methods, and resources will give me and my family!
Success Story
"I watched the power meter numbers turn backwards!"
Thanks so much for this user friendly how-to book. I was able to complete both projects in a week. And guess what? I actually had the thrill of standing there and watching the numbers on my power meter reverse and turn backwards! It was like hearing the sound of money being put back into the bank! How glorious!Frank Purna - Portland, OR
I want to live completely guilt free, laughing at rising electricity prices while rescuing the environment and saving tons of money in the process!
I want to learn the secrets to building my own solar panel and wind generator for less than $200 and slash my electricity bills by 80% or more. (Commercial systems can cost $10,000 or more!)
I know that if I don't get the results I want for any reason whatsoever within the first 60 days, I can ask for a complete refund with your bold 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee, and you will cheerfully refund my entire purchase price. Either way, I can't lose!
You Will SEE The Difference Power4Home Makes On Your Utility Bills Or You Pay NOTHING
You Will SEE The Difference Power4Home Makes On Your Utility Bills Or You Pay NOTHING!
Just claim your copy of the Power4Home System and you'll get instant access to everything in the system, as well as your FREE gifts.
You must see dramatic results and be completely convinced the Power4Home System is worth at least 10 times your investment. Otherwise, I'll promptly refund 100% of what you paid.
And get this: Even in the extremely unlikely event you decide to exercise your right to a refund, the entire package you've received:
How To Easily Build Your Own Super-Efficient Solar Panels
How To Install The Power4Home System & Save $1000's
How To Build A High-Power Wind Generator
The 3 hours of step-by-step videos
...PLUS, the FREE bonuses:
The Exclusive Parts Suppliers List
83 Ways To Reduce Your Home Energy Needs
Advanced Power Saving Technology
The IRS TAX Rebate Forms
...Are yours to keep without further obligation—FREE!
Listen to your conscience..(And your wallet)
On this webpage, I've shown you how alternative sources of clean "green" energy are affordable, proven to work, and easier than you thought possible to build and install yourself for pennies on the dollar...
I've cited scores of examples showing you how big energy conglomerates are arranging sweetheart deals with our elected officials to maintain the status quo... to keep their OBSCENE profits sky-high, while members of Congress are funded lavishly...
I've shown you my own energy savings bill, and how you can get the power companies to pay you for your surplus electricity...
And I've painted a brighter environmental picture for our children and future generations—provided we act now, before it's too late to turn the tide.
Imagine yourself 8 weeks from now. Are you still paying high electricity prices and worrying about what your home is doing to the environment?
Are you living completely guilt free, laughing at rising electricity prices while rescuing the environment and saving tons of money?
Don't be forced to settle for more of the same utility rate increases your friends and neighbors are getting. Instead, why not be the one to lead the way and show them—and your own family—a better and brighter future.
If you're interested in learning how to install wind and solar power in your home for less than $200, you owe it to yourself to at least give the Power4Home System a try.
John RusselElectrician, Researcher, Inventor, Home Energy Consultant, andCreator of the Power4Home System
P.S. The Power4Home System is the leading guide for homemade renewable energy. You can either get it now at this low introductory investment, or you can wait until the price increases after the initial offer expires shortly. You've got nothing to lose, because I'm assuming all the risk.
P.P.S. Join the thousands of other homes now making their own electricity. If you're not convinced the Power4Home System will reduce or eliminate your electric bill, I'll refund your entire investment, and we'll still part as friends. And you still get to keep everything for your trouble. What can be fairer than that? Try it now!
Just claim your copy of the Power4Home System and you'll get instant access to everything in the system, as well as your FREE gifts.
You must see dramatic results and be completely convinced the Power4Home System is worth at least 10 times your investment. Otherwise, I'll promptly refund 100% of what you paid.
And get this: Even in the extremely unlikely event you decide to exercise your right to a refund, the entire package you've received:
How To Easily Build Your Own Super-Efficient Solar Panels
How To Install The Power4Home System & Save $1000's
How To Build A High-Power Wind Generator
The 3 hours of step-by-step videos
...PLUS, the FREE bonuses:
The Exclusive Parts Suppliers List
83 Ways To Reduce Your Home Energy Needs
Advanced Power Saving Technology
The IRS TAX Rebate Forms
...Are yours to keep without further obligation—FREE!
Listen to your conscience..(And your wallet)
On this webpage, I've shown you how alternative sources of clean "green" energy are affordable, proven to work, and easier than you thought possible to build and install yourself for pennies on the dollar...
I've cited scores of examples showing you how big energy conglomerates are arranging sweetheart deals with our elected officials to maintain the status quo... to keep their OBSCENE profits sky-high, while members of Congress are funded lavishly...
I've shown you my own energy savings bill, and how you can get the power companies to pay you for your surplus electricity...
And I've painted a brighter environmental picture for our children and future generations—provided we act now, before it's too late to turn the tide.
Imagine yourself 8 weeks from now. Are you still paying high electricity prices and worrying about what your home is doing to the environment?
Are you living completely guilt free, laughing at rising electricity prices while rescuing the environment and saving tons of money?
Don't be forced to settle for more of the same utility rate increases your friends and neighbors are getting. Instead, why not be the one to lead the way and show them—and your own family—a better and brighter future.
If you're interested in learning how to install wind and solar power in your home for less than $200, you owe it to yourself to at least give the Power4Home System a try.
John RusselElectrician, Researcher, Inventor, Home Energy Consultant, andCreator of the Power4Home System
P.S. The Power4Home System is the leading guide for homemade renewable energy. You can either get it now at this low introductory investment, or you can wait until the price increases after the initial offer expires shortly. You've got nothing to lose, because I'm assuming all the risk.
P.P.S. Join the thousands of other homes now making their own electricity. If you're not convinced the Power4Home System will reduce or eliminate your electric bill, I'll refund your entire investment, and we'll still part as friends. And you still get to keep everything for your trouble. What can be fairer than that? Try it now!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Aldous, S. How Solar Cells Work. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Aldous, S. How Solar Cells Work. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Ben Arnoldy. (2008). Brighter Future for Solar Panels: Silicon Shortage Eases. Retrieved 1/22, 2009, from
CalFinder. What is net metering? Retrieved September, 2008, from
Charlie White. (2008). Solar Cell Efficiency Reaches Breakthrough Cost per Watt. Retrieved 1/14, 2009, from
Code of Massachusetts Regulations. Massachusetts Net Metering Laws.
Commonwealth Solar. Non-residential Rebate Calculator.
Commonwealth Solar. Overview. Retrieved September, 2008, from
Commonwealth Solar. (2008). Solar Photovoltaic Rebates: Program Manual. Retrieved September, 2008, from
Cooler Planet. (2008). How Photovoltaic Cells Work. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Denis Lenardic. (2009). Photovoltaic Applications and Technologies. Retrieved 10/20, 2008, from
DSIRE. Massachusetts Incentives for Renewable Energy: Net Metering. Retrieved November, 2008, from
DSIRE. Massachusetts Incentives for Renewable Energy. Retrieved November, 2008, from
Energy Information Administration. (2009). Average Retail Prices of Electricity.
Evergreen Solar, Inc. (2008). Our String Ribbon Wafers - Genius in its Simplicity. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Evergreen Solar, Inc. (2008). String Ribbon. Retrieved October, 2008, from Foley, B., Forbes, T., Jensen, H., & Young, A. (2006). Holy Name High School Wind Turbine Feasibility Study. WPI Interlibrary Database: Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Global Footprint Network. (2008). Carbon Footprint. Retrieved 1/20, 2009, from
Harper Collins Publishers. (2009). The Green Bible. Retrieved 3/1, 2009 from
Heliotronics. Heliotronics Data Acquisition Systems.
John Markoff. (2007). The New York Times. Retrieved 1/23, 2008, from
Lenardic, D. Solar Radiation Estimation and Site Analysis. Retrieved October 15, 2008, from
Lund, H., Nilson, R., Solamatova, D. & Skare, E. The History Highlight of Solar Cells. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Commonwealth Solar Rebate Program. Retrieved 1/15, 2009, from
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Information on Installers and Costs. Retrieved 1/15, 2009, from
Matti Tukiainen. GAISMA. Retrieved 10/5, 2008, from
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. U.S. Solar Radiation Resource Maps. Retrieved 9/25, 2008, from
PowerFilm, Inc. (2008). Thin Film. Retrieved October, 2008, from Quitana, M. A., King, D. L., & McMahon, T.J. and Osterwald, C.R. Commonly Observed Degradation in Field-Aged Photovoltaic Modules No. 2008)
Radiochemistry Society. Periodic table of Elements: Silicon. Retrieved October, 2008, from
REUK. Renewable Energy UK. Retrieved October, 2008, from Sands, E., Moussa, O., Meagher, G., & Lemaire, J. (2004). Solar Energy at Janssen Ortho LLC. WPI Interlibrary Database: Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
The Sietch Blog. Retrieved October, 2008, from Skinner, R., Moore, L., & Malczynski, L. (2002). A Rural Electric Co-op’s Experience with Photovoltaic Systems for Livestock Water Pumping
Solarbuzz. Photovoltaic industry statistics: Costs. Retrieved 1/10, 2009, from (2008). String-ribbon. Retrieved October, 2008, from
The Solarserver. (2008). Photovoltaics. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Tukiainen, M. (2009). Gaisma Retrieved October 15, 2008, from
U.S. Department of Energy. (2006). Polycrystalline Thin Film. Retrieved October, 2008, from Wailgum, J., Ledue, J., Chapman, J., & Al-Beik, H. (2003). Feasibility Study of a Solar Learning Lab at WPI. WPI Interlibrary Database: Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Woods, D. W. ISD Module: Quantitative Method in Economics. Wuashning, V. (2005). Understanding Renewable Energy Sources. London: Earthscan.
Ben Arnoldy. (2008). Brighter Future for Solar Panels: Silicon Shortage Eases. Retrieved 1/22, 2009, from
CalFinder. What is net metering? Retrieved September, 2008, from
Charlie White. (2008). Solar Cell Efficiency Reaches Breakthrough Cost per Watt. Retrieved 1/14, 2009, from
Code of Massachusetts Regulations. Massachusetts Net Metering Laws.
Commonwealth Solar. Non-residential Rebate Calculator.
Commonwealth Solar. Overview. Retrieved September, 2008, from
Commonwealth Solar. (2008). Solar Photovoltaic Rebates: Program Manual. Retrieved September, 2008, from
Cooler Planet. (2008). How Photovoltaic Cells Work. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Denis Lenardic. (2009). Photovoltaic Applications and Technologies. Retrieved 10/20, 2008, from
DSIRE. Massachusetts Incentives for Renewable Energy: Net Metering. Retrieved November, 2008, from
DSIRE. Massachusetts Incentives for Renewable Energy. Retrieved November, 2008, from
Energy Information Administration. (2009). Average Retail Prices of Electricity.
Evergreen Solar, Inc. (2008). Our String Ribbon Wafers - Genius in its Simplicity. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Evergreen Solar, Inc. (2008). String Ribbon. Retrieved October, 2008, from Foley, B., Forbes, T., Jensen, H., & Young, A. (2006). Holy Name High School Wind Turbine Feasibility Study. WPI Interlibrary Database: Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Global Footprint Network. (2008). Carbon Footprint. Retrieved 1/20, 2009, from
Harper Collins Publishers. (2009). The Green Bible. Retrieved 3/1, 2009 from
Heliotronics. Heliotronics Data Acquisition Systems.
John Markoff. (2007). The New York Times. Retrieved 1/23, 2008, from
Lenardic, D. Solar Radiation Estimation and Site Analysis. Retrieved October 15, 2008, from
Lund, H., Nilson, R., Solamatova, D. & Skare, E. The History Highlight of Solar Cells. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Commonwealth Solar Rebate Program. Retrieved 1/15, 2009, from
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Information on Installers and Costs. Retrieved 1/15, 2009, from
Matti Tukiainen. GAISMA. Retrieved 10/5, 2008, from
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. U.S. Solar Radiation Resource Maps. Retrieved 9/25, 2008, from
PowerFilm, Inc. (2008). Thin Film. Retrieved October, 2008, from Quitana, M. A., King, D. L., & McMahon, T.J. and Osterwald, C.R. Commonly Observed Degradation in Field-Aged Photovoltaic Modules No. 2008)
Radiochemistry Society. Periodic table of Elements: Silicon. Retrieved October, 2008, from
REUK. Renewable Energy UK. Retrieved October, 2008, from Sands, E., Moussa, O., Meagher, G., & Lemaire, J. (2004). Solar Energy at Janssen Ortho LLC. WPI Interlibrary Database: Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
The Sietch Blog. Retrieved October, 2008, from Skinner, R., Moore, L., & Malczynski, L. (2002). A Rural Electric Co-op’s Experience with Photovoltaic Systems for Livestock Water Pumping
Solarbuzz. Photovoltaic industry statistics: Costs. Retrieved 1/10, 2009, from (2008). String-ribbon. Retrieved October, 2008, from
The Solarserver. (2008). Photovoltaics. Retrieved October, 2008, from
Tukiainen, M. (2009). Gaisma Retrieved October 15, 2008, from
U.S. Department of Energy. (2006). Polycrystalline Thin Film. Retrieved October, 2008, from Wailgum, J., Ledue, J., Chapman, J., & Al-Beik, H. (2003). Feasibility Study of a Solar Learning Lab at WPI. WPI Interlibrary Database: Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Woods, D. W. ISD Module: Quantitative Method in Economics. Wuashning, V. (2005). Understanding Renewable Energy Sources. London: Earthscan.
increasing by 50% per annum, but that the supply will outpace it at 80% growth per year. “This
increasing by 50% per annum, but that the supply will outpace it at 80% growth per year. “This should be putting some downward pressure on prices,” he says.48 There are many companies working hard to bring down the cost of solar energy, and continue a trend that has gone on for a long time. Some of the first solar panels cost nearly $1800 per watt, while today people are striving to break the barrier of $1.00 per watt. Below is a graph showing the cost of solar panel installations in Japan since 1993.
48 49
Figure 27: Graph showing the falling cost of PV installations in Japan. 49 Though the graph is in Yen per Watt, the trend is a worldwide trend. The cost of solar panel systems is falling. Though it is difficult to predict exactly when solar panels will reach these predicted levels, one would expect that it will not be a long wait.
Appendix J: Scale Model
In order to create a better visual representation of the roof space and the shading throughout the day, a model was constructed. Along with this model was an arced piece of thin copper tubing with a light socket mounted to it. The base of the copper was hinged so that a combination of moving the arc up and down along with sliding the light from side to side approximated the sun at different times of day and the different times of the year. In a dark room, the 67-watt bulb provided enough light to get a good imitation of the shade. To further the experiment, a small solar cell was connected to a small LED and could be moved around to demonstrate how well light was absorbed at different locations on the roof. An added benefit of the model was its use in presentation to the church. By using the model as a presentation aid, potential panel locations the members of the church had a better idea of what would happen if they were to have the panels installed. See pictures of the model on the next page.
PICT0951Appendix K: Site Pictures
Appendix L: Simplified Economic Spreadsheet
In order for the church to re-evaluate investing in a photovoltaic system in the future, we created a simplified version of our economic spreadsheet using assumptions from our project. The three primary variables in this spreadsheet have been reduced to the overall cost per watt of the system, the proposed system size, and whether or not the solar panel components are manufactured in Massachusetts. The overall cost per watt would be given as a quote from an installer. If the solar panels are manufactured in Massachusetts, the rebate offered by Commonwealth Solar increases. The assumptions portion of the spreadsheet lists the various systems, economic, and rebate assumptions that were made in order to calculate the overall feasibility of the system. These assumptions can also be changed to see what different assumptions have on the overall feasibility. One factor of particular interest is the income generated by renewable energy credits. Because at the time of the report the future of such credits was uncertain, this number may change. The calculations section of the spreadsheet lists the raw system cost, the amount realized from the Commonwealth Solar rebate, the system cost after rebates are applied, the amount of energy the system would produce in a given year, how much savings this energy generation would translate to, and the number of years before this investment breaks even. The other pages of the spreadsheet are used as tools to help calculate the energy that the system would generate, and the value of the system as an investment. Below is a sample of the spreadsheet with $8.00 per watt and a system size of 20kW.
Solar Feasibility Analysis for the Wesley United Methodist Church
Entry Section:
Overall System Cost Per Watt:
dollars / Watt
System Size:
Solar Panels Manufactured in Massachusetts:
System Assumptions:
System Life Expectancy:
Yearly Performance Degradation:
Efficiency of Solar Panels:
DC to AC derating factor:
Economic Assumptions:
REC Revenue per Watt:
REC Annual Cost Adjuster:
Yearly Energy Consumption:
Cost of Electricity:
Electricity Cost Inflation:
Overall Inflation:
MTC Assumptions:
System Size:
0 to 25 kW
25 to 100 kW
Base Incentive:
MA Component Adder:
Incremental Capacity:
Raw System Cost:
Rebate Amount:
System Cost:
Yearly Energy Generation:
First Year Energy Production Value:
Break Even Year:
Appendix M: Informational Brochure
To create a simple way to showcase the work we have done and our results, we created a brochure, which can be seen below:
Appendix N: Survey
Below is a listing of the questions that made up the survey given to our presentation audience: Do you believe that investing in renewable energy is important? If so, Why? What kind of image do you think a solar panel installation would give Wesley United Methodist Church? Would you install a solar panel system if there was no economic incentive to do so? In other words, if installing a solar panel system would have only have environmental benefits, would you still consider installing one? Do you know of any specific solar panel installations in the area, either residential or commercial? Do you think that a solar panel installation on the Wesley United Methodist Church is something that should be perused now, sometime in the future, or not at all? What do you feel was the overall quality of this presentation?
48 49
Figure 27: Graph showing the falling cost of PV installations in Japan. 49 Though the graph is in Yen per Watt, the trend is a worldwide trend. The cost of solar panel systems is falling. Though it is difficult to predict exactly when solar panels will reach these predicted levels, one would expect that it will not be a long wait.
Appendix J: Scale Model
In order to create a better visual representation of the roof space and the shading throughout the day, a model was constructed. Along with this model was an arced piece of thin copper tubing with a light socket mounted to it. The base of the copper was hinged so that a combination of moving the arc up and down along with sliding the light from side to side approximated the sun at different times of day and the different times of the year. In a dark room, the 67-watt bulb provided enough light to get a good imitation of the shade. To further the experiment, a small solar cell was connected to a small LED and could be moved around to demonstrate how well light was absorbed at different locations on the roof. An added benefit of the model was its use in presentation to the church. By using the model as a presentation aid, potential panel locations the members of the church had a better idea of what would happen if they were to have the panels installed. See pictures of the model on the next page.
PICT0951Appendix K: Site Pictures
Appendix L: Simplified Economic Spreadsheet
In order for the church to re-evaluate investing in a photovoltaic system in the future, we created a simplified version of our economic spreadsheet using assumptions from our project. The three primary variables in this spreadsheet have been reduced to the overall cost per watt of the system, the proposed system size, and whether or not the solar panel components are manufactured in Massachusetts. The overall cost per watt would be given as a quote from an installer. If the solar panels are manufactured in Massachusetts, the rebate offered by Commonwealth Solar increases. The assumptions portion of the spreadsheet lists the various systems, economic, and rebate assumptions that were made in order to calculate the overall feasibility of the system. These assumptions can also be changed to see what different assumptions have on the overall feasibility. One factor of particular interest is the income generated by renewable energy credits. Because at the time of the report the future of such credits was uncertain, this number may change. The calculations section of the spreadsheet lists the raw system cost, the amount realized from the Commonwealth Solar rebate, the system cost after rebates are applied, the amount of energy the system would produce in a given year, how much savings this energy generation would translate to, and the number of years before this investment breaks even. The other pages of the spreadsheet are used as tools to help calculate the energy that the system would generate, and the value of the system as an investment. Below is a sample of the spreadsheet with $8.00 per watt and a system size of 20kW.
Solar Feasibility Analysis for the Wesley United Methodist Church
Entry Section:
Overall System Cost Per Watt:
dollars / Watt
System Size:
Solar Panels Manufactured in Massachusetts:
System Assumptions:
System Life Expectancy:
Yearly Performance Degradation:
Efficiency of Solar Panels:
DC to AC derating factor:
Economic Assumptions:
REC Revenue per Watt:
REC Annual Cost Adjuster:
Yearly Energy Consumption:
Cost of Electricity:
Electricity Cost Inflation:
Overall Inflation:
MTC Assumptions:
System Size:
0 to 25 kW
25 to 100 kW
Base Incentive:
MA Component Adder:
Incremental Capacity:
Raw System Cost:
Rebate Amount:
System Cost:
Yearly Energy Generation:
First Year Energy Production Value:
Break Even Year:
Appendix M: Informational Brochure
To create a simple way to showcase the work we have done and our results, we created a brochure, which can be seen below:
Appendix N: Survey
Below is a listing of the questions that made up the survey given to our presentation audience: Do you believe that investing in renewable energy is important? If so, Why? What kind of image do you think a solar panel installation would give Wesley United Methodist Church? Would you install a solar panel system if there was no economic incentive to do so? In other words, if installing a solar panel system would have only have environmental benefits, would you still consider installing one? Do you know of any specific solar panel installations in the area, either residential or commercial? Do you think that a solar panel installation on the Wesley United Methodist Church is something that should be perused now, sometime in the future, or not at all? What do you feel was the overall quality of this presentation?
Along with this letter, the church should request a cost breakdown. This should detail what
Along with this letter, the church should request a cost breakdown. This should detail what portion of the cost is for labor, panels, mounting equipment, etc. Having costs broken down in this way will help determine which installer is the best choice and it helps clarify their overall cost. Step four is to receive the quotes from the contractors. Generally speaking, any quotes received after the given deadline should be disregarded. If the contractor doesn’t meet the requested deadline for the quote, then they probably can’t be counted on to be reliable when it comes to the installation. Simply put, a company that can’t meet the deadline for a quote is probably not professional enough for a system of this size. The fifth step is to begin the down selecting process. In this part, the church needs to generate several factors that are the most important to them. Generally, cost is one of these. Other important factors to consider are the type and quality of the panels and mounting hardware, expected completion date, or use of local labor. Once the church establishes their important criteria, they can begin to rank the different installers. It is important to keep in mind the two factors of cost and quality of materials and find the best compromise between the two. The sixth and final step is to send letters to all the contractors who submitted quotes. Inform the one the church chose and clarify a payment schedule. It’s also important to inform the contractors that didn’t win and inform them as to why they were not selected. These are the steps involved in requesting a bit from a contractor and are designed to streamline the process for both the contractor and the customer. Following these steps should put the church in the best position to select the installer that they determine to have the greatest value.
Appendix C: Site Dimensions
Appendix D: Morning Shade
Appendix E: Afternoon Shade
Appendix F: Shading with Raised Panels
Appendix G: Meetings and Correspondence
Meeting with Tom Sikina on December 5, 2008:
After introducing ourselves and our project, the first topic of discussion was regarding irradiation data. Mr. Sikina made the point that different sites and organizations that offer irradiation data may not take the same factors into account. For example, some sources do not consider cloud cover. The inclusion or exclusion of such factors in a model could have substantial impacts on a final result. Next, we discussed third party financing. Mr. Sikina told us to think of having a third party finance a solar panel system analogous buying a bond. The third party would own the system for a given period of time (25 years, for example) and the buyer would get electricity at a discounted rate. After the contract is over, the buyer usually has the option to buy the solar panel system from the third party for a small price. Another issue that was brought up was the level of confidence in our model. This level of confidence refers to how sure we are that our model would be an accurate predictor of feasibility. Mr. Sikina urged us to compare our model to similar projects that have been found to be feasible, and run them through our model. After showing Mr. Sikina our economic model, he had a number of comments. One was that we pay particular consideration to the percentage increase in electricity costs per year. Overall, he said that our current estimates were fairly conservative.
The next topic of discussion concerned the accuracy of the ratings that solar panel companies give their panels. On Mr. Sikina’s installation, the solar panels only operate at 85% of the rating on their data sheet. However, Mr. Sinkina knows of another installation using a different brand of panels that operate at 5% over their specifications. It was suggested that the accuracy of solar panel production
data should verified before making a final choice. Furthermore, Mr. Sikina suggested that WPI may be able to act as a third party that rates solar panels against their factory specifications. On the topic of installing solar panels, we discussed the feasibility of changing the angle of solar panels throughout the year to produce more energy. One of the simplest and most effective methods would be a two-pin system, where the panels can be locked into one of two different tilts. At different time during the year, the tilts could be manually adjusted. Mr. Sikina encouraged that we calculate the net energy change from employing such a system. Expanding on the topic of installation and optimum panel placement, we discussed the idea of creating a small scale model to test different panel placements and orientations. A model may give insight to how spacing the panels affect net energy production as well as how shadows are cast in a more complex system. The final topic of the discussion was about the bid process for finding an installer. Mr. Sikina outlined the following steps:
1. Find the system you want to buy 2. Select the bidders 3. Write a bid proposal (RFQ letter) and send to bidders 4. Receive quotes 5. Prepare a justification of the bid (known as a down select) based on your lists of criteria 6. Award the winning bidder
Mr. Sikina suggested that since we may not be involved in the church’s actual installation process that we give the church a recommended bidding process to follow if they decide to go forward with installing a solar panel system.
Meeting with York-Ogunquit United Methodist Church
Research for similar case studies discovered that the York-Ogunquit United Methodist Church in York, Maine, installed a system of solar panels approximately 6 months before our project began. A meeting was set up with this church to find specific information, since both churches are in a similar region, less than 2 hours apart. The meeting began with explaining the project and the specific situation of the Wesley United Methodist Church to Rev. Shook. After detailing the project goals and the needs of the church, Rev. Shook began to share all the information he had available on the solar installation for the his church. On this particular day, it was snowing so taking pictures of the system was difficult. The system the church decided on is rated for 7,700 W, however the maximum output that has been achieved to date has peaked at 6000 W. The system consists of 42 panels that are mounted directly to the raised seams of the steel roof. The installation was completed by Solar Market of Arundel, Maine, in two days for a total system cost of $58,000. Of this overall cost, $11,220 was the cost of 2 days of installation. In this case, the installation cost is about 20% of the total, which led us to reevaluate our previous information stating that installation accounted for nearly half of the total cost. This system produces enough extra electricity in the summer months to provide the church with renewable energy credits with Central Maine Power. These credits cover about half of the winter electricity use. This means that the church only needs to pay for using electricity for about 4 months a year. The other bills are only to cover various other charges, and are usually around 25 dollars. In this way, the church is not only reducing its environmental impact, but it is saving a considerable amount of money in its monthly operating expenses.
The money for the system came from a trust fund set up by the church after selling one of their two buildings several years ago. In addition, the proponents of the system held information sessions for about a year to help the congregation understand the options and benefits of the investment. By holding these sessions, most of the questions people had were answered; leaving very little opposition
by the time a decision was made. Rev. Shook said that the members of the church are glad to be better environmental stewards that set the example for their community just as much as they enjoy the economic benefits.
Correspondence with the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative:
In order to understand the nature and stipulations of the rebate offered through Commonwealth Solar, we contacted a member of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC), the parent organization of Commonwealth solar. Through email conversations, we learned two important factors in regards to the rebate:
1. The church was not considered a public building for the sake of the rebate. This meant it did not qualify for the extra $1.00 per watt entitled to public buildings. 2. Installation had to be done though an installer certified through Commonwealth Solar. This meant that a volunteer installation could not be done without a special agreement through the installer chosen to do the installation.
Correspondence with solar panel installers:
In order to get an estimate of cost breakdowns for the overall price per watt figure given by solar panel installers, we sent an email to seven major installers in the area asking them for estimates. Of the seven companies asked, three responded, and the results can be seen below: Company 1: Solar Panel Components: 75% Mounting Materials 10% Installation Labor Costs 15% Company 2:
Solar panels: 55% Inverter, electrical wiring, disconnects: 15% Mounting hardware: 15%
Installation: 13% Permits: 2% Company 3: Solar Modules: 60% Racking and Inverters: 20% Labor: 20%
Appendix H: Solar panel installers
Below is a list of recommended solar panel installers. These installers have been chosen on their overall system cost per watt, the size of the systems they have previously installed, and recommendations from our sources. New England Breeze, LLC President: Mark Durrenberger Phone: 978-212-2665
Web: Solar Works, Inc. Regional Project Director: Terry Dupuis, P.E. Phone: 508-360-4907
Web: Berkshire Photovoltaic Services Phone: 413-743-0152
Web: Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. Phone: 978-513-2600
Web: Nexamp, Inc. Phone: 978-688-2700
Web: SolarFlair, Inc. Phone: 508-293-4293
Web: SolarWrights, Inc. Phone: 401-396-9901
Appendix I: Future Solar Panel Costs
It is the widely held expectation that solar panel costs will continue to fall over the coming years, naturally increasing the likelihood that solar panel projects will become feasible. Many cite economics of scale and the experience of other industries: as the demand rises and the supply increases to meet it, larger, more efficient factories are set up. It is difficult to predict with much accuracy what the cost of solar panels will be in the future, but many companies and researchers in field of solar panel pricing expect that the price of solar panels will come down.
Nanosolar, a startup company that has opened a manufacturing facility in Silicon Valley, is claiming that they have found a way to reduce the cost of solar panel production by 80% by “printing” thin film solar panels onto Aluminum and saving significant amounts of silicon. Martin Roscheisen, CEO of Nanosolar, says that they will be the first company to profitably sell solar panels for under $1.00 per watt, and that “with a $1-per-watt panel, it is possible to build $2-per-watt systems.”46 These are certainly bold, and if they prove to be true, would make solar panel systems instantly feasible. The company has orders for their first 18 months of production.
46 47
Another small company, 1366 Technologies from Massachusetts, says they have found a breakthrough technology that makes there solar panels 27% more efficient. This will allow them to start selling solar panels soon for $1.30 per watt, and they expect that by 2012 they will also be selling solar panels for $1.00 per watt.47
In a study done by Travis Bradford, president of the Prometheus Institute for Sustainable Development in Cambridge, MA, even with the traditional production methods, solar panel costs could fall by as much as 1/3rd over the next couple years. His research shows that solar panel demand is
Appendix C: Site Dimensions
Appendix D: Morning Shade
Appendix E: Afternoon Shade
Appendix F: Shading with Raised Panels
Appendix G: Meetings and Correspondence
Meeting with Tom Sikina on December 5, 2008:
After introducing ourselves and our project, the first topic of discussion was regarding irradiation data. Mr. Sikina made the point that different sites and organizations that offer irradiation data may not take the same factors into account. For example, some sources do not consider cloud cover. The inclusion or exclusion of such factors in a model could have substantial impacts on a final result. Next, we discussed third party financing. Mr. Sikina told us to think of having a third party finance a solar panel system analogous buying a bond. The third party would own the system for a given period of time (25 years, for example) and the buyer would get electricity at a discounted rate. After the contract is over, the buyer usually has the option to buy the solar panel system from the third party for a small price. Another issue that was brought up was the level of confidence in our model. This level of confidence refers to how sure we are that our model would be an accurate predictor of feasibility. Mr. Sikina urged us to compare our model to similar projects that have been found to be feasible, and run them through our model. After showing Mr. Sikina our economic model, he had a number of comments. One was that we pay particular consideration to the percentage increase in electricity costs per year. Overall, he said that our current estimates were fairly conservative.
The next topic of discussion concerned the accuracy of the ratings that solar panel companies give their panels. On Mr. Sikina’s installation, the solar panels only operate at 85% of the rating on their data sheet. However, Mr. Sinkina knows of another installation using a different brand of panels that operate at 5% over their specifications. It was suggested that the accuracy of solar panel production
data should verified before making a final choice. Furthermore, Mr. Sikina suggested that WPI may be able to act as a third party that rates solar panels against their factory specifications. On the topic of installing solar panels, we discussed the feasibility of changing the angle of solar panels throughout the year to produce more energy. One of the simplest and most effective methods would be a two-pin system, where the panels can be locked into one of two different tilts. At different time during the year, the tilts could be manually adjusted. Mr. Sikina encouraged that we calculate the net energy change from employing such a system. Expanding on the topic of installation and optimum panel placement, we discussed the idea of creating a small scale model to test different panel placements and orientations. A model may give insight to how spacing the panels affect net energy production as well as how shadows are cast in a more complex system. The final topic of the discussion was about the bid process for finding an installer. Mr. Sikina outlined the following steps:
1. Find the system you want to buy 2. Select the bidders 3. Write a bid proposal (RFQ letter) and send to bidders 4. Receive quotes 5. Prepare a justification of the bid (known as a down select) based on your lists of criteria 6. Award the winning bidder
Mr. Sikina suggested that since we may not be involved in the church’s actual installation process that we give the church a recommended bidding process to follow if they decide to go forward with installing a solar panel system.
Meeting with York-Ogunquit United Methodist Church
Research for similar case studies discovered that the York-Ogunquit United Methodist Church in York, Maine, installed a system of solar panels approximately 6 months before our project began. A meeting was set up with this church to find specific information, since both churches are in a similar region, less than 2 hours apart. The meeting began with explaining the project and the specific situation of the Wesley United Methodist Church to Rev. Shook. After detailing the project goals and the needs of the church, Rev. Shook began to share all the information he had available on the solar installation for the his church. On this particular day, it was snowing so taking pictures of the system was difficult. The system the church decided on is rated for 7,700 W, however the maximum output that has been achieved to date has peaked at 6000 W. The system consists of 42 panels that are mounted directly to the raised seams of the steel roof. The installation was completed by Solar Market of Arundel, Maine, in two days for a total system cost of $58,000. Of this overall cost, $11,220 was the cost of 2 days of installation. In this case, the installation cost is about 20% of the total, which led us to reevaluate our previous information stating that installation accounted for nearly half of the total cost. This system produces enough extra electricity in the summer months to provide the church with renewable energy credits with Central Maine Power. These credits cover about half of the winter electricity use. This means that the church only needs to pay for using electricity for about 4 months a year. The other bills are only to cover various other charges, and are usually around 25 dollars. In this way, the church is not only reducing its environmental impact, but it is saving a considerable amount of money in its monthly operating expenses.
The money for the system came from a trust fund set up by the church after selling one of their two buildings several years ago. In addition, the proponents of the system held information sessions for about a year to help the congregation understand the options and benefits of the investment. By holding these sessions, most of the questions people had were answered; leaving very little opposition
by the time a decision was made. Rev. Shook said that the members of the church are glad to be better environmental stewards that set the example for their community just as much as they enjoy the economic benefits.
Correspondence with the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative:
In order to understand the nature and stipulations of the rebate offered through Commonwealth Solar, we contacted a member of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC), the parent organization of Commonwealth solar. Through email conversations, we learned two important factors in regards to the rebate:
1. The church was not considered a public building for the sake of the rebate. This meant it did not qualify for the extra $1.00 per watt entitled to public buildings. 2. Installation had to be done though an installer certified through Commonwealth Solar. This meant that a volunteer installation could not be done without a special agreement through the installer chosen to do the installation.
Correspondence with solar panel installers:
In order to get an estimate of cost breakdowns for the overall price per watt figure given by solar panel installers, we sent an email to seven major installers in the area asking them for estimates. Of the seven companies asked, three responded, and the results can be seen below: Company 1: Solar Panel Components: 75% Mounting Materials 10% Installation Labor Costs 15% Company 2:
Solar panels: 55% Inverter, electrical wiring, disconnects: 15% Mounting hardware: 15%
Installation: 13% Permits: 2% Company 3: Solar Modules: 60% Racking and Inverters: 20% Labor: 20%
Appendix H: Solar panel installers
Below is a list of recommended solar panel installers. These installers have been chosen on their overall system cost per watt, the size of the systems they have previously installed, and recommendations from our sources. New England Breeze, LLC President: Mark Durrenberger Phone: 978-212-2665
Web: Solar Works, Inc. Regional Project Director: Terry Dupuis, P.E. Phone: 508-360-4907
Web: Berkshire Photovoltaic Services Phone: 413-743-0152
Web: Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. Phone: 978-513-2600
Web: Nexamp, Inc. Phone: 978-688-2700
Web: SolarFlair, Inc. Phone: 508-293-4293
Web: SolarWrights, Inc. Phone: 401-396-9901
Appendix I: Future Solar Panel Costs
It is the widely held expectation that solar panel costs will continue to fall over the coming years, naturally increasing the likelihood that solar panel projects will become feasible. Many cite economics of scale and the experience of other industries: as the demand rises and the supply increases to meet it, larger, more efficient factories are set up. It is difficult to predict with much accuracy what the cost of solar panels will be in the future, but many companies and researchers in field of solar panel pricing expect that the price of solar panels will come down.
Nanosolar, a startup company that has opened a manufacturing facility in Silicon Valley, is claiming that they have found a way to reduce the cost of solar panel production by 80% by “printing” thin film solar panels onto Aluminum and saving significant amounts of silicon. Martin Roscheisen, CEO of Nanosolar, says that they will be the first company to profitably sell solar panels for under $1.00 per watt, and that “with a $1-per-watt panel, it is possible to build $2-per-watt systems.”46 These are certainly bold, and if they prove to be true, would make solar panel systems instantly feasible. The company has orders for their first 18 months of production.
46 47
Another small company, 1366 Technologies from Massachusetts, says they have found a breakthrough technology that makes there solar panels 27% more efficient. This will allow them to start selling solar panels soon for $1.30 per watt, and they expect that by 2012 they will also be selling solar panels for $1.00 per watt.47
In a study done by Travis Bradford, president of the Prometheus Institute for Sustainable Development in Cambridge, MA, even with the traditional production methods, solar panel costs could fall by as much as 1/3rd over the next couple years. His research shows that solar panel demand is
Figure 23: 25kW System Energy Production
Figure 23: 25kW System Energy Production The chart above depicts the energy consumed by The Wesley United Methodist Church, seen in blue, and the electricity produced by the 25kW solar array, seen in red. The total “net” usage is seen in green which is the difference between the energy consumed and the energy produced.
Figure 24: 25kW System Cash Flow with Volunteer Installation Figure 8 depicts the total cash flow of the 25kW array with volunteer installation. The figure describes the trend of savings from the initial purchase in year one to the life expectency of a solar array, year 25.
7.6 Assessment:
Revisiting the scenarios above, cost of installation is the single most important factor in whether a system will be feasible. Currently, the cost-per-watt of solar panels is generally fixed at $4-$5. This allows minor room to reduce the cost. However, because installation is not necessarily a fixed cost and most of the work can be done by knowledgeable volunteers it is possible to keep this cost much lower.
Another noticeable result of analyzing these scenarios is that the systems of varying sizes all have a break-even point of approximately nineteen years. The main reason for this phenomenon is the fact that larger arrays, despite their greater initial investment, recover savings much quicker because of their greater electricity production. The 25kW array may generate $164,997.40 in the course of 25 years compared to a smaller, 10kW array which may only produce $65,998.96 of revenue. This observation
displays the fact that a larger solar array is much more beneficial in the long term; however a small one is financially easier in the short term.
7.7 Sensitivity Analysis
Although we have determined that a largest array is the optimal scenario for the production of electricity the nine-teen year break-even point is near the system life expectancy of 20-25 years. However the cost of solar cells is constantly decreasing. Based on discussions with solar manufacturers and installers, it is expected that costs for solar panels will fall quickly in the next three to five years and the payback period will thus decrease rapidly. To illustrate the effect influence lower costs on the solar market we decided to create a sensitivity analysis. This analysis below offers a fifth scenario that projects possible costs and efficiencies of solar panels in five years. The following is a scenario assumes that in the future, technology will reduce the cost-per-watt of a solar panel from $4.30 to $2.00 and increase the solar cell efficiency from 15% to 20%. The result is a dramatic drop in the amount of time it takes to break-even. The period of time necessary to break-even drops from nineteen years to only nine and the number of panels required to generate the same amount of electricity is reduced from 117 panels to 88. The reduction in the number of panels also reduces the need to install solar panels in sub-optimal locations.
Figure 25: Futuristic 25kW System Cash Flow Figure 9 depicts the total cash flow of a 25kW array purchased in five years. The figure describes the trend of savings from the initial purchase in year one to the life expectency of a solar array, year 25.
Figure 26: The Effect of Waiting 5 Years The chart above depicts the outcome if a 25kW system, scenario three, was purchased in the present time period and if a 25kW system was purchased in five years using the data described above. As the results in figure 10 clearly demonstrate, it would be much more beneficial, economically, to implement a 25kW system after five years rather than at the current time period.
8. Social and Environmental Impact
The significance of solar panel systems go far beyond financial factors. Alternative forms of energy are important to the sustainability of our planet. This section identifies the social and environmental impacts that a solar panel installation would have on the church and what we have done to disseminate information about solar panel installations.
8.1 Effects on Carbon Footprint
A Carbon footprint is a measurement of the impact a person or a building has on the environment. It is usually represented as the number of tons of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by things such as power plants, cars, or burning heating oil. Based on information available from the Global Footprint Network, current levels of emissions exceed the capacity that the earth is able to absorb. This rate has been sharply increasing since the 1960s.41 Finding solutions to the problem of increased emissions is critical to environmental sustainability. However, offsetting the world’s carbon emissions by planting trees isn’t an efficient solution to the problem of increased emissions. A better solution is reducing the emissions themselves. Reduction of emissions requires cutting back the use of fossil fuels. This means driving less, using cars that are more efficient, and meeting high standards for emissions testing. It also means using less electricity, and when possible looking for ‘green’ alternatives. Sources of environmentally friendly electricity include solar PV, wind energy, and hydroelectric; although hydroelectric plants significantly disrupt the river upon which they are built.
41 Global Footprint Network. [Online] [Cited: December 2, 2008.]
The church’s carbon footprint is primarily made up of the electricity it consumes, and the natural gas used for heating. Based on the formulas used by the Global Footprint Network the annual
electricity consumption creates 59 tons of carbon dioxide.42 The total amount of carbon dioxide created by or on behalf of the church is at least 67 tons of CO2 emissions per year.2 If the church were to install a 25kW solar array, they would significantly reduce the their annual emissions to 39 tons of CO2, a thirty three percent reduction.
42 Global Footprint Network. [Online] 43 Harper Collins Publishers. (2009). The Green Bible. Retrieved 3/1, 2009 from
8.2 Environmental Stewardship
Wesley United Methodist Church commissioned this study of green technology as an expression of its commitment towards “environmental stewardship.” Many of the individuals who participate in the church feel that it is their responsibility to the community to contribute to the adoption of clean energy. For that reason, the implementation of a solar array would not only reduce green house emissions, but also spread awareness to the wider community and inspire other community members to follow suit. As stewards of the Earth, a church could send a powerful message to the community by acting on these values in their place of worship.
Green stewardship is rapidly becoming a popular topic in the Christian community. There is a new bible that has been printed called the “Green Bible”. It highlights eco-friendly passages in green and has an index in the back where one can look up “green” passages. It is said that the “Green Bible sets out an urgent agenda for the Christian community.”43 One particularly relevant passage from Leviticus is as follows, “You shall not strip your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the alien: I am the Lord your God”. Another moving passage in support of green stewardship is from Psalm 24, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
Green stewardship is a movement within the church that is rapidly gaining momentum as more and more Christians become aware of the threat humans pose to the planet. As the earth’s destruction continues, many are starting to feel it is part of their calling as followers of God to help. The city of Worcester has many churches of many faiths each concerned about the cost of rising electricity as well as the benefits of helping the environment. If the Wesley United Methodist Church were to decide to implement a solar system, it would be recognized as one of the first churches in the area to do so and demonstrate its leadership as an environmental steward in the community. If the implementation of green energy proves to be beneficial the Wesley United Methodist Church will become an example to those in Worcester and New England.
8.3 Informational Brochure
An informational brochure has been created to spread information to the church about the benefits of solar panel installations. Our correspondence with a Methodist Church from Maine showed us that the spread of information about a solar panel project can greatly reduce opposition and build support for this costly expenditure. The brochure captures the essence of our results. It has financial information, including a graph about the amount of energy produced with a large scale system and a graph showing how the payback period is directly related to the system cost per watt. The brochure also includes a couple of passages from the bible that support the concept of green stewardship and accompanying pictures of God’s magnificent creation. The brochure can be found in Appendix M: Informational Brochure.
8.4 Survey
After our final presentation, given on March 1, 2009, we handed out a brief survey to those who were in attendance (Appendix N). The audience consisted primarily but not exclusively of members of the Board of Trustees and Finance Committee at Wesley. There were only fourteen people in
attendance, so the survey is of little statistical value; however it has helped us to realize some of the general perceptions held by the congregation. All fourteen people responded they felt that investment in alternative energy is important, however their reasons for this answer varied. Some cited green stewardship as their primary reason, while others pointed to the fact that there is a finite supply of fossil fuels. Still others felt that alternative energy was important so that the country could become independent of foreign oil. Most mentioned that it was important to be environmentally conscious and many responses included a combination of these reasons. In response to the second question, which asked about what the public’s perception of a solar panel installation on Wesley United Methodist Church would be, the answers were again unanimous. All responses stated that the public’s view of such an installation would be positive. One responder felt that it would have limited affect, and only be slightly positive, while many responded that this would be “very positive”, “forward thinking”, and “green.” The last two questions had a wider range of responses than the first two. When asked whether or not a solar panel installation should be pursued even if there was no economic gain, most said that it should be pursued for environmental reasons, however, there were a few responses that said that the only factor that was important to them was the financial savings.
Finally, on the last question, which asked whether or not Wesley United Methodist Church should pursue a solar installation now, in the future, or not at all, there was the widest disparity of answers. A number of people felt that the church should wait for five years and then reevaluate the situation, while others felt that church should do more research about it now. Some people felt that the church should absolutely pursue it now, while there was one response that said it should not be pursued at all.
While everyone in attendance of our final presentation felt that alternative energy was important, it can be seen by looking at the remainder of the questions that this belief was weighted differently by each person. Looking into the future, the congregation will have a lot to debate as they try to decide what to do with the results of this project.
9. Conclusions and Recommendations
The benefits of solar panel installations are numerous, ranging from green stewardship to reducing the church’s carbon footprint, and from building a strong public image for the church to reducing the church’s monthly electricity bills. The feasibility of such a system is not determined by a financial analysis alone. Based on current prices, a solar panel system installed at Wesley United Methodist church would have a nine-teen year payback period. We recommend that the church strongly weigh the positive impacts of solar panels alongside the economic feasibility of installation. With the present conditions, it is unlikely that a solar panel installation will lose money over the lifetime of the system; however, it requires a large capital investment and has a slow payback. The church should monitor future the economic conditions using the “Simplified Economics Spreadsheet for Wesley United Methodist Church” that we have provided to get an estimate of economic feasibility of a solar power system. When it is determined that the benefits from a solar panel installation outweigh its drawbacks, such as when the cost per watt drops below a threshold price, the church should follow the procedure outlined below:
1. Form a committee of people who are interested in seeing this project carried forward. 2. Have the committee hold meetings/focus groups with interested members of the congregation to educate the congregation about solar panels and answer any concerns. The committee can use our presentation, brochure, and any of the other materials in this report. 3. Have the committee members contact three to five installers and go through the bidding process as we have outlined.
4. Use the graph “Simplified Economics Spreadsheet for Wesley United Methodist Church” with current data to determine the financial feasibility of this system.
After estimates have been received, the selection process can begin. After choosing an installer, the rest of the process, such as acquiring the Commonwealth Solar rebate and fulfilling permit obligations will be handed by the chosen installer. Hopefully, as solar panel technology continues to drop in price, the church will be able to reap the benefits of clean, renewable energy.
Appendix A: Solar Panel Tilt Analysis
Analysis of the installation orientation of solar panels is crucial to getting the highest power output from the solar panels. Solar panels receive the most energy from the sun when the surface of the solar panel is perpendicular to the sun’s rays. Some solar panels track the position of the sun. The surface of these panels is always perpendicular to the sun, giving tracking panels the highest output of any mounting system. However, the increase in efficiency does not come without a cost. Tracking mounting systems are significantly more expensive than other mounting options and are also a lot more likely to break.
In some cases, solar panels are mounted directly on the roof. However, this is also a sub-optimal solution because the sun will never be perpendicular to the solar panel. In Worcester, MA, the sun is at an angle of 80° above the horizon at noon during the summer and only 30° above the horizon at noon during the winter. 44 It is typically recommended to mount solar panels with a tilt angle that is equal to the latitude for the site location.45 Another approach is to use a solar panel mounting structure that can be changed twice a year, realigning the panel during the winter and the summer. It is essential to predict how much energy will be generated from different panel orientations in order to compare these different solutions and predict the overall energy output from the system. To do this, one must be able to accurately predict the power from the solar panel at any time.
44 GAISMA. [Online] 45 Lenardic, Denis. Solar radiation estimation and site analysis. Atomstromfreie Website. [Online] Greenpeace Energy, September 13, 2008.
The tilt angle is represented above by Θtilt, which is the angle between the solar panel and the ground. This angle is also the angle between the vertical y-axis and a vector normal to the surface of the solar panel. It is shown in both places in the diagram above. The angle between the y-axis and a vector representing the sun’s rays coming onto the surface of the solar panel is represented by Θsun. Subtracting these two values yields the value for Looking at this as a two dimensional problem the amount of energy from the sun that hits the solar panel at any given moment is related to the size of the solar panel times the cosine of the incident angle between the solar panel and the sun’s rays. The incidental power, or actual power, can be determined based on the amount of power that would land on the surface of the solar panel using the equation below.
Since the sun moves not only vertically in the sky but also across the sky from east to west, this concept must be extended to three dimensions in order to get the instantaneous power throughout the day.
To determine what the optimal tilt angle for solar panel installation is, a group from Taiwan created a simulation that used a Genetic Algorithm (23). They simulated the amount of power
generated by the solar panel at five minute intervals using historic weather data for five years. They could then estimate the amount of energy that would have been generated by the solar panels over that time period at a given tilt angle. To find the optimal tilt angle, they created a pool of genes (binary strings) that represented the tilt angle. With each iteration of the program, a selection process is applied, selecting only the best performing solution. The genes then reproduce. Some are direct copies of the previous generation, other experience a mutation, where one bit changes between 0 and 1. Still others experience crossing over, where a substring from one gene is switched with a substring of another. With each generation, the program gets closer to finding an optimal solution. A similar experiment could be done for Worcester, MA, however the difference in power output between this new solution and the usual recommendation of using the Latitude as your angle is likely to be insignificant, as was the case in this experiment.
Appendix B: Recommended Bidding Process
The first step in the bidding process is defining the system the church wants. This needs to include all the specific details including the amount of power the church hopes to generate, the preferred brands of panels, and the DC/AC inverter. This is also the time to determine the areas on the roof which are suitable for mounting panels. Much of the decision should be made by this point as to what the church is willing to install and pay for in order to make providing information to potential contractors simpler. The second step is to gather a list of local contractors that are known to install similar systems in the area. This is as simple as contacting the MTC for a list of installers in the Worcester area or using a phonebook’s yellow pages. It is important to get a list of installers and to determine which of them are interested in putting in a bid for an installation of this size. After a simple phone conversation with each of them, the church should have a list of contractors that are interested in bidding on their project. These first two steps are mostly covered by this report. The report has a recommended system and location on the roof already selected to meet the needs of the church. The report also includes a list of potential installers in the Worcester area. To complete these two steps, the church only needs to agree to the recommended system and call the installers to make a list of those that are interested. The third step in the process is to draft formal letters requesting bids. These letters need to include very detailed information to simplify the process. First of all, there need to be timetables involved. They should include a deadline for the church to receive the quotes from installers, as well as preferred beginning and ending dates for the installation. It’s also important to give all the details determined in step one of the process. It is best to give as much information as possible so that the church does not need to field calls from contractors seeking more information.
Figure 24: 25kW System Cash Flow with Volunteer Installation Figure 8 depicts the total cash flow of the 25kW array with volunteer installation. The figure describes the trend of savings from the initial purchase in year one to the life expectency of a solar array, year 25.
7.6 Assessment:
Revisiting the scenarios above, cost of installation is the single most important factor in whether a system will be feasible. Currently, the cost-per-watt of solar panels is generally fixed at $4-$5. This allows minor room to reduce the cost. However, because installation is not necessarily a fixed cost and most of the work can be done by knowledgeable volunteers it is possible to keep this cost much lower.
Another noticeable result of analyzing these scenarios is that the systems of varying sizes all have a break-even point of approximately nineteen years. The main reason for this phenomenon is the fact that larger arrays, despite their greater initial investment, recover savings much quicker because of their greater electricity production. The 25kW array may generate $164,997.40 in the course of 25 years compared to a smaller, 10kW array which may only produce $65,998.96 of revenue. This observation
displays the fact that a larger solar array is much more beneficial in the long term; however a small one is financially easier in the short term.
7.7 Sensitivity Analysis
Although we have determined that a largest array is the optimal scenario for the production of electricity the nine-teen year break-even point is near the system life expectancy of 20-25 years. However the cost of solar cells is constantly decreasing. Based on discussions with solar manufacturers and installers, it is expected that costs for solar panels will fall quickly in the next three to five years and the payback period will thus decrease rapidly. To illustrate the effect influence lower costs on the solar market we decided to create a sensitivity analysis. This analysis below offers a fifth scenario that projects possible costs and efficiencies of solar panels in five years. The following is a scenario assumes that in the future, technology will reduce the cost-per-watt of a solar panel from $4.30 to $2.00 and increase the solar cell efficiency from 15% to 20%. The result is a dramatic drop in the amount of time it takes to break-even. The period of time necessary to break-even drops from nineteen years to only nine and the number of panels required to generate the same amount of electricity is reduced from 117 panels to 88. The reduction in the number of panels also reduces the need to install solar panels in sub-optimal locations.
Figure 25: Futuristic 25kW System Cash Flow Figure 9 depicts the total cash flow of a 25kW array purchased in five years. The figure describes the trend of savings from the initial purchase in year one to the life expectency of a solar array, year 25.
Figure 26: The Effect of Waiting 5 Years The chart above depicts the outcome if a 25kW system, scenario three, was purchased in the present time period and if a 25kW system was purchased in five years using the data described above. As the results in figure 10 clearly demonstrate, it would be much more beneficial, economically, to implement a 25kW system after five years rather than at the current time period.
8. Social and Environmental Impact
The significance of solar panel systems go far beyond financial factors. Alternative forms of energy are important to the sustainability of our planet. This section identifies the social and environmental impacts that a solar panel installation would have on the church and what we have done to disseminate information about solar panel installations.
8.1 Effects on Carbon Footprint
A Carbon footprint is a measurement of the impact a person or a building has on the environment. It is usually represented as the number of tons of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by things such as power plants, cars, or burning heating oil. Based on information available from the Global Footprint Network, current levels of emissions exceed the capacity that the earth is able to absorb. This rate has been sharply increasing since the 1960s.41 Finding solutions to the problem of increased emissions is critical to environmental sustainability. However, offsetting the world’s carbon emissions by planting trees isn’t an efficient solution to the problem of increased emissions. A better solution is reducing the emissions themselves. Reduction of emissions requires cutting back the use of fossil fuels. This means driving less, using cars that are more efficient, and meeting high standards for emissions testing. It also means using less electricity, and when possible looking for ‘green’ alternatives. Sources of environmentally friendly electricity include solar PV, wind energy, and hydroelectric; although hydroelectric plants significantly disrupt the river upon which they are built.
41 Global Footprint Network. [Online] [Cited: December 2, 2008.]
The church’s carbon footprint is primarily made up of the electricity it consumes, and the natural gas used for heating. Based on the formulas used by the Global Footprint Network the annual
electricity consumption creates 59 tons of carbon dioxide.42 The total amount of carbon dioxide created by or on behalf of the church is at least 67 tons of CO2 emissions per year.2 If the church were to install a 25kW solar array, they would significantly reduce the their annual emissions to 39 tons of CO2, a thirty three percent reduction.
42 Global Footprint Network. [Online] 43 Harper Collins Publishers. (2009). The Green Bible. Retrieved 3/1, 2009 from
8.2 Environmental Stewardship
Wesley United Methodist Church commissioned this study of green technology as an expression of its commitment towards “environmental stewardship.” Many of the individuals who participate in the church feel that it is their responsibility to the community to contribute to the adoption of clean energy. For that reason, the implementation of a solar array would not only reduce green house emissions, but also spread awareness to the wider community and inspire other community members to follow suit. As stewards of the Earth, a church could send a powerful message to the community by acting on these values in their place of worship.
Green stewardship is rapidly becoming a popular topic in the Christian community. There is a new bible that has been printed called the “Green Bible”. It highlights eco-friendly passages in green and has an index in the back where one can look up “green” passages. It is said that the “Green Bible sets out an urgent agenda for the Christian community.”43 One particularly relevant passage from Leviticus is as follows, “You shall not strip your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the alien: I am the Lord your God”. Another moving passage in support of green stewardship is from Psalm 24, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
Green stewardship is a movement within the church that is rapidly gaining momentum as more and more Christians become aware of the threat humans pose to the planet. As the earth’s destruction continues, many are starting to feel it is part of their calling as followers of God to help. The city of Worcester has many churches of many faiths each concerned about the cost of rising electricity as well as the benefits of helping the environment. If the Wesley United Methodist Church were to decide to implement a solar system, it would be recognized as one of the first churches in the area to do so and demonstrate its leadership as an environmental steward in the community. If the implementation of green energy proves to be beneficial the Wesley United Methodist Church will become an example to those in Worcester and New England.
8.3 Informational Brochure
An informational brochure has been created to spread information to the church about the benefits of solar panel installations. Our correspondence with a Methodist Church from Maine showed us that the spread of information about a solar panel project can greatly reduce opposition and build support for this costly expenditure. The brochure captures the essence of our results. It has financial information, including a graph about the amount of energy produced with a large scale system and a graph showing how the payback period is directly related to the system cost per watt. The brochure also includes a couple of passages from the bible that support the concept of green stewardship and accompanying pictures of God’s magnificent creation. The brochure can be found in Appendix M: Informational Brochure.
8.4 Survey
After our final presentation, given on March 1, 2009, we handed out a brief survey to those who were in attendance (Appendix N). The audience consisted primarily but not exclusively of members of the Board of Trustees and Finance Committee at Wesley. There were only fourteen people in
attendance, so the survey is of little statistical value; however it has helped us to realize some of the general perceptions held by the congregation. All fourteen people responded they felt that investment in alternative energy is important, however their reasons for this answer varied. Some cited green stewardship as their primary reason, while others pointed to the fact that there is a finite supply of fossil fuels. Still others felt that alternative energy was important so that the country could become independent of foreign oil. Most mentioned that it was important to be environmentally conscious and many responses included a combination of these reasons. In response to the second question, which asked about what the public’s perception of a solar panel installation on Wesley United Methodist Church would be, the answers were again unanimous. All responses stated that the public’s view of such an installation would be positive. One responder felt that it would have limited affect, and only be slightly positive, while many responded that this would be “very positive”, “forward thinking”, and “green.” The last two questions had a wider range of responses than the first two. When asked whether or not a solar panel installation should be pursued even if there was no economic gain, most said that it should be pursued for environmental reasons, however, there were a few responses that said that the only factor that was important to them was the financial savings.
Finally, on the last question, which asked whether or not Wesley United Methodist Church should pursue a solar installation now, in the future, or not at all, there was the widest disparity of answers. A number of people felt that the church should wait for five years and then reevaluate the situation, while others felt that church should do more research about it now. Some people felt that the church should absolutely pursue it now, while there was one response that said it should not be pursued at all.
While everyone in attendance of our final presentation felt that alternative energy was important, it can be seen by looking at the remainder of the questions that this belief was weighted differently by each person. Looking into the future, the congregation will have a lot to debate as they try to decide what to do with the results of this project.
9. Conclusions and Recommendations
The benefits of solar panel installations are numerous, ranging from green stewardship to reducing the church’s carbon footprint, and from building a strong public image for the church to reducing the church’s monthly electricity bills. The feasibility of such a system is not determined by a financial analysis alone. Based on current prices, a solar panel system installed at Wesley United Methodist church would have a nine-teen year payback period. We recommend that the church strongly weigh the positive impacts of solar panels alongside the economic feasibility of installation. With the present conditions, it is unlikely that a solar panel installation will lose money over the lifetime of the system; however, it requires a large capital investment and has a slow payback. The church should monitor future the economic conditions using the “Simplified Economics Spreadsheet for Wesley United Methodist Church” that we have provided to get an estimate of economic feasibility of a solar power system. When it is determined that the benefits from a solar panel installation outweigh its drawbacks, such as when the cost per watt drops below a threshold price, the church should follow the procedure outlined below:
1. Form a committee of people who are interested in seeing this project carried forward. 2. Have the committee hold meetings/focus groups with interested members of the congregation to educate the congregation about solar panels and answer any concerns. The committee can use our presentation, brochure, and any of the other materials in this report. 3. Have the committee members contact three to five installers and go through the bidding process as we have outlined.
4. Use the graph “Simplified Economics Spreadsheet for Wesley United Methodist Church” with current data to determine the financial feasibility of this system.
After estimates have been received, the selection process can begin. After choosing an installer, the rest of the process, such as acquiring the Commonwealth Solar rebate and fulfilling permit obligations will be handed by the chosen installer. Hopefully, as solar panel technology continues to drop in price, the church will be able to reap the benefits of clean, renewable energy.
Appendix A: Solar Panel Tilt Analysis
Analysis of the installation orientation of solar panels is crucial to getting the highest power output from the solar panels. Solar panels receive the most energy from the sun when the surface of the solar panel is perpendicular to the sun’s rays. Some solar panels track the position of the sun. The surface of these panels is always perpendicular to the sun, giving tracking panels the highest output of any mounting system. However, the increase in efficiency does not come without a cost. Tracking mounting systems are significantly more expensive than other mounting options and are also a lot more likely to break.
In some cases, solar panels are mounted directly on the roof. However, this is also a sub-optimal solution because the sun will never be perpendicular to the solar panel. In Worcester, MA, the sun is at an angle of 80° above the horizon at noon during the summer and only 30° above the horizon at noon during the winter. 44 It is typically recommended to mount solar panels with a tilt angle that is equal to the latitude for the site location.45 Another approach is to use a solar panel mounting structure that can be changed twice a year, realigning the panel during the winter and the summer. It is essential to predict how much energy will be generated from different panel orientations in order to compare these different solutions and predict the overall energy output from the system. To do this, one must be able to accurately predict the power from the solar panel at any time.
44 GAISMA. [Online] 45 Lenardic, Denis. Solar radiation estimation and site analysis. Atomstromfreie Website. [Online] Greenpeace Energy, September 13, 2008.
The tilt angle is represented above by Θtilt, which is the angle between the solar panel and the ground. This angle is also the angle between the vertical y-axis and a vector normal to the surface of the solar panel. It is shown in both places in the diagram above. The angle between the y-axis and a vector representing the sun’s rays coming onto the surface of the solar panel is represented by Θsun. Subtracting these two values yields the value for Looking at this as a two dimensional problem the amount of energy from the sun that hits the solar panel at any given moment is related to the size of the solar panel times the cosine of the incident angle between the solar panel and the sun’s rays. The incidental power, or actual power, can be determined based on the amount of power that would land on the surface of the solar panel using the equation below.
Since the sun moves not only vertically in the sky but also across the sky from east to west, this concept must be extended to three dimensions in order to get the instantaneous power throughout the day.
To determine what the optimal tilt angle for solar panel installation is, a group from Taiwan created a simulation that used a Genetic Algorithm (23). They simulated the amount of power
generated by the solar panel at five minute intervals using historic weather data for five years. They could then estimate the amount of energy that would have been generated by the solar panels over that time period at a given tilt angle. To find the optimal tilt angle, they created a pool of genes (binary strings) that represented the tilt angle. With each iteration of the program, a selection process is applied, selecting only the best performing solution. The genes then reproduce. Some are direct copies of the previous generation, other experience a mutation, where one bit changes between 0 and 1. Still others experience crossing over, where a substring from one gene is switched with a substring of another. With each generation, the program gets closer to finding an optimal solution. A similar experiment could be done for Worcester, MA, however the difference in power output between this new solution and the usual recommendation of using the Latitude as your angle is likely to be insignificant, as was the case in this experiment.
Appendix B: Recommended Bidding Process
The first step in the bidding process is defining the system the church wants. This needs to include all the specific details including the amount of power the church hopes to generate, the preferred brands of panels, and the DC/AC inverter. This is also the time to determine the areas on the roof which are suitable for mounting panels. Much of the decision should be made by this point as to what the church is willing to install and pay for in order to make providing information to potential contractors simpler. The second step is to gather a list of local contractors that are known to install similar systems in the area. This is as simple as contacting the MTC for a list of installers in the Worcester area or using a phonebook’s yellow pages. It is important to get a list of installers and to determine which of them are interested in putting in a bid for an installation of this size. After a simple phone conversation with each of them, the church should have a list of contractors that are interested in bidding on their project. These first two steps are mostly covered by this report. The report has a recommended system and location on the roof already selected to meet the needs of the church. The report also includes a list of potential installers in the Worcester area. To complete these two steps, the church only needs to agree to the recommended system and call the installers to make a list of those that are interested. The third step in the process is to draft formal letters requesting bids. These letters need to include very detailed information to simplify the process. First of all, there need to be timetables involved. They should include a deadline for the church to receive the quotes from installers, as well as preferred beginning and ending dates for the installation. It’s also important to give all the details determined in step one of the process. It is best to give as much information as possible so that the church does not need to field calls from contractors seeking more information.
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